30 Июн

Die deutschen Soldatenfriedhöfe in Europa als Orte des Gedächtnisses in Diktatur und Demokratie

Nina Janz, Universität Hamburg, e-mail: nina.janz@gmx.de


The graves and cemeteries of the German fallen soldiers symbolize different meanings and messages during the time. In the Second World War, the Wehrmacht and the national socialists constructed the soldier cemeteries as holy places and places of German heroism. After the surrender the graves turned into symbols of a reminder of pain, suffer and war. Today the grave stones are used for educational projects, memory services, guided tours for students and young people all over Europe.

Ключевые слова: Friedhof, Soldat, Zweiter Weltkrieg, Gedächtnis, Erinnerungsort Cemetery, Soldier, Second World War, Memory, Place of Remembrance.

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Janz N. Die deutschen Soldatenfriedhöfe in Europa als Orte des Gedächtnisses in Diktatur und Demokratie // Upravlenie v sovremennih sistemah. 2016. № 2(9). С. 30-37.

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